Have you tried any of these diet plans? Paleo, keto, whole30, weight watchers, Beach body, or counting macros? Maybe you have tried all of them. Maybe you even got some results for a while but...you couldn’t keep the weight off? It slowly crept back on and you were right back where you started or even worse than before you tried to lose weight. This is a conversation I have all too often with people because all these diets or eating plans have one common problem, there is no clarity or direction.
The simple fact that each week you are talking to a coach live on google meet not only increases compliance, it improves long term learning of how to make your nutrition plan a lifestyle. You have a specific situation to talk about or need to show your coach something, do it through video. Video check-ins are the most efficient and effective way to communicate. It’s like having a lunch meeting without leaving your office.
Live check-ins are something unique to Nutrition1st and it’s a big reason why we get such sustainable and consistent results with our clients. This year has brought a lot of changes to our world and in some ways it has made staying connected even easier. We embraced those changes and found another level of accountability we could provide to our clients. Instead of weekly emails or reporting on an app. We do a google meet every week so we can see our clients and talk about how the week went. What was a highlight of their week, what were the challenges, what is some objective data for the week. This also allows us to be very efficient with our communication, no emails back and forth and no questions about when they are going to get their info. entered so we can give them feedback. All the google meets are recorded and they go in our clients folder so they can be referenced again if needed. The instant feedback from a live check-in can answer questions immediately and provide the clarity and direction needed to make adjustments quickly and conveniently in one meeting. Let’s face it, convenience is one of the biggest factors to facilitating compliance. If it’s too many steps or you can’t see the value in doing something we ask, you won’t do it..so the more convenient we can make it, the easier it is to comply. The biggest benefit clients tell me about our live check-ins is knowing they said they would show up. That means they will be asked challenging questions about the week and they will be talking to us face to face. If you told someone you were going to be there and then you didn’t show up, they will hold you accountable. If you are talking to someone face to face, even over a video call, it’s a lot harder to lie or manipulate the truth. You have to answer the hard questions and you are accountable to your own actions. We aren’t saying we are going to be mean or guilt you into action but a live check in simply opens the door to talk about why you didn’t follow through with your plan. This conversation always leads to collaborative answers about behavior patterns and gets to the root of the issue behind the actions.
This level of accountability is powerful but only if you're ready to do the work required to make a change in your life and improve your nutrition to improve your health.
Live Well, Eat Well